My very first blog! weeeeeeeeeeooow!

Helloooooooos to everyone and anyone who reads this, if u read this now, u r the 1st person to ever view my page! U HAVE WON ...emmm, emmm emmm, nothing?!?! hehee, see the trick, ha ha? lol
im silly i know...anyway, enough of the welcomes and hellooosss, i will spare u the boring details of my monotonous-fun-free-over-stressed-life! But so i would be fair, i will type in a brief preview: im 22, newly (not wed! its so funny how newly is always associated with wed, hmm, it makes me wonder when i will be, wed!!!) graduated, working (hey i forgot to change the bold font, lemmie press the button) ok now that is better!
where was i???, yea.. okie... although im bored 77.567 % of the time (thats not an accurate statistic, i just want to sound smart!!!), im generally content with the way my life is going...vooooom voooom za3ma shino il 7aja ili my life has for its means of transportation??? ohh and im libyan! i guess i gave myself away! lol
Although im killin time from 8 to 5 at work, i still haaaaave, how many hours?? 24 - 9 = (lemmie get the pc's calculator, my brain is so mathematically dead) 15 hrs, ! well around 7 go to the sleep department, so 15-7 = 8 ( calculator again dont be fooled!!!) 8 whole hours! and unfortunately living in Libya doesn’t give room to lots, boredom kinda conquers all the free time i have left!!! but i honestly honestly honestly, like swear to God, i try my best to fight back, books, movies, chit-chats with mom (i spend a lot of time with her and dad), watching Russel Peter's comic shows... hey i will drift shwaya from my point, but everyone whose eyes are with me now, means u have internet, means u can Youtube it (everything is a verb now, goole it, youtube it (my creation, plz all rights reserved law sama7tom)), means check Russell Peter, cos anyone with a decent sense of humour will definitely develop a six-pack from all the laughin!!!

anyway my new peeps, gotta go and pee, lol, been drinking water since 8, and its nearly 2 now.. so u can imagine the size of my bladder... or no no, dont imagine, not a lovely sight!

should i proof-read this? ooowwwww cant, no time, bathroom, pee, ooowwww


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3 Response to "My very first blog! weeeeeeeeeeooow!"

  1. Lebeeya says:
    June 14, 2007 at 4:08 p.m.

    Welcome ya Romana :) I like your name.

    Its nice to see more libyans here. Hoping to read more from you.

  2. Romana says:
    June 14, 2007 at 5:18 p.m.

    Thanks a lot Lebeeya, a welcome from one of the most talented writers i'v ever read for so far. i loved ur posts...

  3. Hiba says:
    June 14, 2007 at 9:40 p.m.

    Welcome ya Romana
    i am agree with lebyya,it`s so nice to see more libyan bloggers in here.

    Enjoy ur time.